Why Did I Start Life Lines?

For a several reasons. Since I started working in the animation, I’ve been conceiving of my own TV shows and other projects that I would hope one day become a reality. When I was a kid I used to write comic books with my brother, and I wrote several one act plays for my high school. I always enjoyed writing fiction.

But, like so many people, I always thought that I wasn’t ready. I got stuck in a tutorial loop. I always though, “I can really dive in a soon as I brush up on my…” fill in the blank. Anatomy, color theory, life drawing, basically any area of art. I got stuck thinking, “I need to be better before I create.” And as a result, I created nothing.

But then the strikes began. Last summer, the writers actors and directors went on strike for better working benefits and protections against AI. And now it’s the animation guilds turn. We already had a week of negotiations a month ago, and negotiations are continuing. The prospect of not having any job of source of income is very motivating.

I decided there was no better time to try to make my own stuff than now! I wanted to have something to possibly keep my family afloat, and something to show if a strike happened.

And then the layoffs started. Animation jobs are becoming more and more scarce. Entire studios are closing and productions are being scraped left and right. Some artists have been out of work for months, and some years. Honestly one of the biggest things that made me pull the trigger on this whole endeavor was the erasure of Cartoon Network. That was so much of my childhood that I said “fine, I guess I’ll make my own!”

And the thing is, they aren’t bad artists. I' personally know many great artists who are out of work through no fault of their own.

Life Lines is my attempt to bring them together to make art, like we always wanted. I wanted a space for artists with nowhere to go. Surely there are enough of us to make our own shows? I also wanted it to somewhat function as an artist fund, where we could all benefit from crowdfunding to make projects.

Not everybody is a writer, or likes to where multiple hats, so to speak. I wanted to make a bunch of launch points for me and my fellow guild members to make things should a strike happen. Things that would could use to promote ourselves and get more work in the future.

That’s why I envisioned this studio as an animation co-op. We all work, we all benefit. I don’t like asking people to work for free, all artists hate that, so I’m not going to. Currently the whole studio is just me and my brother. It’s possible that that’s all it ever will be. And that’s okay! I still want to make all these things, and it may take years to them become anything. But I’m tired of waiting to create. I welcome anybody who wants to help, and I will never benefit more than anyone else involved.

This is why I started Life Lines Animation.


Meet The Artists: Peter Keahey


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